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Free Credit Reports for Landlords

SmartScreen by ClearScreening for Independent Landlords Tenant Screening for Great Reports a new streamlined approach to tenant screening that allows ANY Independent landlord, property manager, or leasing agent to access
Credit Reports and Criminal Reports data on prospective tenants. We’ve made it easier to sign-up, easier to run a report, and easier to make a decision. With no start-up fees or usage requirements, “New Renter Payment Option Allows Free Credit Reports for Landlords” which makes it easy on your wallet.

Quick Startup

SmartScreen, is free to sign up no Onsite Inspection! You simply create an account, fill in some information about your rental property and business, and you can begin screening within minutes. Easy to Read Reports including a Full Credit Report Nationwide Criminal and Eviction Reports, and Income Insights (Income Verification).

 - The Smart Choice for Tenant Screening  - The Smart Choice for Tenant Screening

Minimize Your Risk

SmartScreen’s direct gateway with Trans Union allows you to omit sensitive data from your application, such as SSN and date of birth. The applicant enters this information directly with Trans Union who also verifies the identity of your applicant before supplying you with a report. This helps protect you from applicants supplying fraudulent data and from being accused of improperly handling such sensitive information. SmartScreen also helps guard against unfair screening practices by providing consistent and unbiased recommendations based upon information you supply about your property.

A Convenient Approach

Beyond the ease of setup, we’ve included a few features that make SmartScreen a very convenient and user friendly way to screen tenants. Payments are processed Online by credit card or bank account via Paypal’s secure payment gateway. Accounts do not go idle or get archived after periods of disuse, and passwords may be reset anytime by simply entering your email address. There is no required annual training course, saving you both time and money.

How SmartScreen Works

Create an account for yourself by entering in some information about yourself and your property. Answer additional questions about your property to allow for a more customized application.

As part of your initial rental application process, be sure to collect an email address from each applicant (if they don’t have one there are many free providers – Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo – where an account can be setup in minutes). When you login to your account to request their information, an email will be sent to them so that they may accept your request. They’ll be asked to enter their information directly into Trans Union’s secure website for verification, and you’ll be notified that the reports are ready.

Logging back into your SmartScreen account will allow you to view a full Credit ReportCriminal ReportsEviction Report and Income Insights, and SmartScreen’s ResidentScore that aids in the approval/decline based on the information you entered about your property. You’ll then be able to send your decision automatically, with any additional notes, to your tenant’s email.



If you’re interested in using SmartScreen for your tenant screening needs, please create an account by visiting SmartScreen’s login page or by clicking on the button to the above right. If you would like additional information, please contact us at info@clearscreening.com or 949-215-0180.